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Wednesday 20 August 2014

Lost in Abstract

Have you ever found yourself staring at a crowd, at people moving busily on the roads, realizing that even when you are a part of the crowd, you are lost and feel lonely? It has happened to me at several occasions categorically in 2 phases of my life. It felt exactly as how some movie scenes have captured it, a single soul, lost in city lights wondering why are so many people everywhere and why is everybody rushing, also where are the rushing.

The first few times it happened it was when I was in City of Dreams – Mumbai. That made me realize that no matter how much I had moved ahead in life, I was still a  like a tiny speck in the entire game of universe. That though then gave me modesty and humility. Once I left Mumbai and came to this God Forsaken place, I had almost forgotten that something like this ever happened to me. Off late I have found myself in a similar situation again, staring into the abstract, wondering.  But this time when I was lost in thoughts I realized how the thought process has changed. I found myself depressed, re-valuating my decisions, regretting a few of them and wondering what my life could have been if I DID NOT take those decisions.

 I had a few dreams just like any other human being. When I was getting married I knew I had to forego a few of them, compromise on a few of them, but I knew I would be fulfilling my other dreams of being with my loved one and having a super happy married life.  So it seemed like a good trade-off at that point of time. Now when I do some post purchase rationalization I realize that I have given up and compromised on far more dreams that I had envisioned earlier.  To make things worse I have also lost out on the happiness I had thought I would be blessed with post marriage.

So today noon as stared into the rains I realized how dissatisfied I am with my life.

There is so much on my mind now but I am too lost in thoughts to actually jot it down. May be I will write sometime soon about why exactly I am dissatisfied and what is that is missing from this life of mine. Till them I want some ME time…

Sunday 17 August 2014

Wanna Blog More Often :)

Been Blogging for more than 2 years and still not even a dozen posts, doesn't sound like an active Blogger right??
The blog started when i was about to get engaged and then one day just like that I was married. Marriage brings so many things. Out of so many things that My marriage had in store for me one was- lack of ME time, and whatever little time I got, I it utilized in reading books.
But now i have decided that i am not gonna let my Blog lay there sad in a corner waiting for an year for a post. I am gonna start writing frequently, hell that's one thing I love and the solo reason why I created this blog.

Gonna frame a guide-map right away before I lose track again. Jotting a few things on my mind so that I can write about them in future. So here is a random list of things I want to write about.

1. My life In Mumbai - How it changed me and why i love the place sooooo much.

2. Lessons learned in life - We learn something everyday and yet there are a few things that leave a mark forever. Definitely gonna write about some of them.

3. My Love Life - Not all the details **wink wink**  but how Love changed me.

4. A bucket List of places I want to visit.

5.  A bucket list of Things I wanna Do.

6. Definitely a list of- What would I tell my Younger self if I ever get a chance, which means a time Machine gets invented.

7. A Travel Blog, or may be Travel posts here on the same Blog.

8. And of course My Midnight Ramblings.

9. Anything else that my heart wants <3

Since now I have a guide-map, I may Visit here frequently .... :-)